"A Form of His Love"

Deuteronomy 10:1-11 

Perhaps many Christians are unaware that the writing of God's word on the tablets occurs twice. The first time the stone tablet was destroyed by Moses so furious that the Israelites were found worshipping a statue of a golden ox. Then, Moses pleaded with God to speak again and guide the Israelites with His decrees. And so, there happened a second time the writing of the stone tablet, and that is what is in our reading text this time.

It was God Himself who commanded Moses to rewrite His words (1-2). The rewriting of the two tablets affirms God's commitment to establishing relationships with people. Moses in his anger had corrupted the tablet, but God in His love was pleased to restore it. God wants to make sure that His words are not only written in stone, but also done by all His people. That is why, the tribe of Levi was appointed to serve God in the midst of the people in order for God's words to be truly lived out (8-9). Such is the declaration of God's love for His people.

Not once did God think badly of His people. No matter how bad the Israelites did, even us at this time. God's promise remains everlasting, that He will not destroy us (10).

Many times we interpret God's statutes and words as very burdensome. We are so burdened to read and even do the word. Finally, there is often a revelation when we fall into sin. Perhaps all along our perspective has been wrong with His words.

Our passage today reminds us that indeed the word of God is a covenant of God's love for us, His people. He wants us to live well and be in constant contact with Him. His words will guide us to make that happen in our lives. Therefore, live gratefully to Him. Obey His words because then we learn to truly love Him.

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