This industry is expected to change into a global destination for providing the best healthcare services. The huge potential of this sector has triggered the demand for skilled experts in this field
Every year numerous candidates clearing the class 12 board exams apply for the medical entrance exams all over the country. The Indian medical entrance exams are complicated even though the questions are mostly based on the CBSE syllabus of class 10 and 12 board exams.
Below are some of the best study tips for clearing the medical entrance exams:
1. Know the syllabus thoroughly
The primary thing is to be familiar with the actual syllabus of the entrance exam. Being known with the exam syllabus and pattern would boost your confidence level. The Indian medical entrance exams stick on to the syllabus followed in class 12 CBSE board exams. Presently, the questions are also based on class 11 and class 12 exams of ICSE exams. The topics would mainly include science subjects like Biology, Physics and Chemistry. The questions asked here are usually objective types. The total duration of the examination is of three hours. Negative marking system is applicable in most of the medical entrance exams.
2. Manage your Time
Time is a precious thing. By managing your time accurately you can achieve brilliant grades. So, focus on your priorities and see your exam-related stress melting away with time, making you feel relaxed and confident. You can also create flashcards mentioning the details of particular formulae and important definitions that you focus to memorize for your exams.
3. Solve Previous Test Papers
The pattern of the question paper does not change every year. Be determined to solve questions papers of the previous years to get an idea of the exam paper and style. You can get them in your nearest bookshop or any local library. Solve the question papers and when you do so, think that you are seated in an examination center on the final exam day. Give your best attempt and try to finish the papers on time. Solving the papers would help you boost up for your final exams to a great extent.
4. Eliminate Stress
Sweaty palms are one of the most common things in students who have been studying for the medical entrance exams. It deactivates the thinking cells of your brains thereby to doze them off to sleep.
5. Confront your fears
An easy way of doing it is to know your strengths and weaknesses. Once you find it out start working on your fears. Another trick that can help you de-stress yourself is to take deep breaths and go for a fast walk after three hours of a study session.
6. Stop being anxious
The day before an examination is like a nightmare. It badly affects a student’s confidence level that leads to sleepless nights. Make sure that you are well organized and revise your lessons carefully the night before the exam, which would help you rejuvenate your tensed muscles. So stop being anxious and start believing in your abilities.
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