Escape With Time

Escape With Time

Escape With Time

Suzanne Marsh

Christmas Day 1932

Time seemed to stand still for Clyde Barrow, as he stood staring out the window of the Blue Bonnet Court, in Temple, Texas. They had ditched their other car after the Buckholtz Bank robbery. Clyde needed a new set of wheels. It was Christmas Day, 1932, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker had just robbed another bank, no one was killed in that particular robbery. Clyde, had seen Bonnie taking picture after picture with her Brownie Camera, that in and of itself was not anything to worry about; it falling into the wrong hands like the FEDS was a problem. He knew he had to dispose of the film, it showed the robbery, his face as well as WD Jones, that would not do if the FEDS had proof in their hands. He would worry about that later, at the moment he needed wheels. Bonnie, Clyde and WD Jones began looking up and down 6th street in Temple. Clyde was a Ford guy, he favored them a great deal. Ford was his signature automobile. Clyde, spotted a Model A Roadster at 606 13th Street. Clyde and WD jumped in with Bonnie in the back seat snapping pictures. Clyde started to steal the Roadster when Doyle Johnson came running out of his front door, to confront the two thieves. Doyle was dead before his body hit the ground, Clyde and WD stood with smoking guns. They drove off in the Roadster, circling around Temple a few times.

Bonnie was clicking away on her Kodak Brownie. Clyde, decided at that moment the camera was to dangerous for Bonnie to keep. He had no idea where he was going to get rid of the camera. He circled back to Temple. He remembered seeing a youngster burying a metal box as his friends watched, then applauded. He forced Bonnie to give him the Brownie. They argued, she threatened him with her revolver as he laughed heartily. She handed the little camera over unwilling. Clyde, jumped out of the Roadster, walked into the school yard, found the exact spot where the boy had buried the box. He saw a wide array of items, from a newspaper covering the day's events to pencil and paper. He placed the camera carefully in the metal box, reburied it and returned. Clyde was relieved that he had done that, he would explain his actions to Bonnie later after she had simmered down. Once again, Clyde left Temple for Louisiana.


May 23rd, 1982

Principal John Moore sat at his desk searching the archives of Temple High School. He remembered a rumor that almost every student had heard. The rumor was; a time capsule was located near the old High School. Just as he was about to give up, there was a one line sentence stating that there was a time capsule, he took note of the name next to it: Jake Moore, his father. He took a moment to call his dad.

“Hey Dad, did you bury a time capsule in '32?”

“Yes, son, I did. It was a class project, we placed a newspaper and other things that

were available in '32.” Why do you ask?”

“I have been hearing the rumor about one so I checked the archives, your name is next to

the entry.”

“Son, do you need the exact location?”

“Yes, Dad, I do. I am going over this afternoon, want to come along?”

“Yes, sure. What time do you want pick me up?

“Around 3PM, see you then Dad and thanks.”

He hung up the phone, then returned the archives to the vault where they were kept. He never thought his Dad would have had anything to do with such a project. Jake Moore, was a very private person. The afternoon went by quickly, John Moore had several boys set for detention. He wrote the detention slips himself, sending them to various classrooms. He had also thought about the time capsule, he would announce it, set the date for May 23rd, since that was the last day of school.

Three o'clock approached as John Moore informed his secretary he was leaving a little early. He drove toward Belton, where his parents lived. His Dad, stood outside waiting for him. John, pulled into the driveway.

“Hey, Dad, I am glad you are coming with me, would you like to open the capsule?”

Jake Moore, smiled at his son: “sure son I would be happy to.” John backed out of the driveway and made the twenty minute drive to the old Temple High School building. Jake led the way as John followed, shovel in hand. Jake stopped about thirty feet past the old goal post.

“Here son, dig here” excitement rose in his voice. John, began to dig in earnest. Finally he hit metal. Father and son knew that was the time capsule. John pried open the lid. There were the things Jake remembered putting in there. Jake, noticed the little Kodak Brownie:

“John, that Kodak Brownie was not one of the items placed in the time capsule. I have never

seen it before.”

He handed it to John, who examined it closely.

“Dad, there is film in this, I wonder if it is still in tact.”

“Son, I guess the only way to find out is to have it developed. Might prove to be an interesting


John, carried the metal box as Jake followed him back to the car. Jake sat quietly as John headed to Bill Tramp Photographic Studio, located just around the corner from the old high school. The tinkle of the small bell announced their arrival. Bill Tramp strode from the back and through the black curtain.

“John, Mr. Moore, what brings you two here?”

“Bill, Dad buried a time capsule back in '32, we found this brownie camera in it that was fifty years ago we were hoping you would be able to develop them. I thought maybe it would be a good history lesson for the high school classes.”

Bill took the small Kodak Brownie camera from John's hand:

“I can't promise anything but the camera looks almost new so could be that the film

is fine. I'll give you a call when I am done.”

“Thanks Bill, do you think you can have it done by May 23?”

“Yes, I should have it done by tomorrow morning at the latest. I'll give you a call.”

“Thanks Bill.”

John, drove his dad home. Jake puzzled over where the camera came from.

“John, why would someone add something to a school project like that camera. It

doesn't make any sense. I mean they were cheap back then about a dollar and a half.”

“I was wondering that myself dad, unless someone was trying to hide something.”

John dropped Jake off then headed home. His wife and four children were waiting for him to have dinner.

The following morning Bill began to develop the pictures, he did not recognize anyone in the photos until he got to the Buckholtz bank, the robbery. Then he saw the murder of Doyle Johnson. He called John, then Jake, and finally the police.

“John, I just finished developing those pictures, I think you and Jake need to see these before

I call the police. I took the liberty of calling your dad. I don't recognize anyone in the

pictures but I do recognize Doyle Johnson, he was my maternal Grandfather.”

John, was on high alert, why would Bill call the police? He informed his secretary he would be out of the office for several hours. He drove back to Belton, his Dad standing outside, ready for whatever was about to happen.

Father and son were both lost in thought as they arrived at Bill's studio. Bill was waiting for them.

“John, Mr. Moore please follow me into the dark room.” They trooped into the dark room.

Bill began to show them the pictures of the robbery at the Buckholtz Bank about fifteen miles from where the studio was located. Jake, took one look:

“That has to be the Barrow gang, they robbed the bank back in '32. They were Bonnie and


John, was staring at the photographs of the murder of Doyle Johnson:

“I think Bill, we need to contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation immediately.

This could clear up a fifty year old murder. The evidence is there. Gees Louise

what a historical find.”

Bill placed the call to the nearest FBI office, located in Waco, Texas.

“My I please speak to an FBI agent, we have evidence that we believe will finally close

the matter of Bonnie and Clyde here in Temple, Texas.”

Bill informed the agent of their find. He asked Bill to hold on, while he connected him with their Washington D.C. office. Several days later two agents arrived at Bill's studio. Agent Max Rodin showed Bill his badge.

“Mr. Tramp, we know that Clyde Barrow and WD Jones murdered Doyle Johnson and they

robbed the bank in Buckholtz. Where did you find these pictures?” He had thumbed

through them while he spoke.

Bill, explained that the Temple High School principal John Moore; had asked his Dad about a time capsule that he had buried in '32. Mr. Moore opened it, looked at the contents, everything was intact but he did not recognize the small Kodak Brownie camera. John, noted that there was film still in the camera. He asked Bill to develop them. Which brought the agents scurrying to Temple, Texas.

Bill, phoned John to inform him that the FBI had sent two agents to take the pictures, he however had the negatives. Bill already had two sets ready when John and Jake returned to the studio. John decided the robbery might have some value to the students however the murder, was out of the question. Jake, remembered Doyle Johnson:

“John, why not have a memorial for Doyle on the day that Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed

by the Texas Rangers? That is May 23rd, the same as the last day of the school year. You

can give a talk about Bonnie and Clyde. After all, Bonnie and Clyde escaped Doyle's murder

with time.”

By Omnipoten

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