


  Biggie saw the movie Notorious and like himself, liked his nickname— American rapper, no school but more money than Teacher. Mixing cement and carrying gravel for concrete casting made Biggie money. He liked work, people liked him. He worked and was very happy. His head pan load made others looked bad, Biggie wouldn’t stop working.

He loved to do it but seeing the girls alone, he was no Notorious, but them whoredom people always called his name when he passed and even when he was not passing — to come do it. Girls here… they made too much style, but them whoredom people were easy.

He would see the boys with phones and the speaking of English, and how some of them girls got hurt. He knew one, the girl went to university school but the boys  called her nerd. They just liked smashing Girl. Girl`d cry for more but Boy must go away. And Girl thought the no-school ones would be nice, so Girl gave illiterate  guy love portion to make him marry but he woke up one morning and ask, “who?,” kicked Girl away and made her cry.

Biggie, today was the help for the church work and  Pastor was around. He mixed the cement and sand for plaster. Even when mason man said cement, too much, Biggie still mixed and carried. Sometimes Biggie woke up in the morning, couldn`t stand. Muscle cramp made him shout and neighbors would come to help rub him. And Biggie mixed and mixed —enough to leave site and listen  as Girl came for to see Pastor. Smallish Girl had a sister that was making love to all them boys in the kitchen, at the backyard, every corner, and when Girl told Father, her sister denied and Father just believed Sister, saying she was virgin. Pastor would look for a way to pin Girl`s sister down, to advise her, so he asked Girl many questions.

Next day Biggie stopped work and went to see Girl. All the school girls he liked telling, "I wanna, wanna." And the girl`d be like, “What?” He tried but didn’t know what to say or do when in front of them girls. Biggie liked rap but he couldn`t.

Girl was home, maybe thinking of who to give love portion with yam chips and beans. Biggie came and ate everything. Girl was happy because biggie spoke Girl's dialect.  Biggie was from the same tribe and knew all her relations. Girl thought love portion turned Biggie`s head. This one, Girl thought, would run away when love portion fades. But no: this one was from home and couldn`t run. Girl was quarreling with her father and her sister, so she asked no one about Biggie. Girl was tired of advice from people. So Girl tried everything, made Biggie  feel at home, and impregnate. Girl gave him a fine and not smallish but big boy like his father.

Biggie must come to church from now on. Church said let Biggie and Girl wed before baby was born. Biggie repented, or so he said, and was baptized—name, Barnabas.  

One Sunday Biggie went to church and the pastor warned him not to go to the village. Biggie said nothing would happen and went to the village. Weeks later, church women said that Biggie had lied to and left Girl. The brethren went to Biggie`s home town, far from Girl`s, to see Biggie ill. Biggies died a week after.

If Girls hears that I knew of Biggie`s lies she will hate me too. I have no problem training Boy but I need work of white collar. My father worked artisan work but he left it for government work, and then, old man was happy and expecting pension.

If I can get work I could give for Biggie`s son to grow and go to school. Before Biggie's death, I advised Biggie we go to school, Biggie agreed. We believed in the good fates: to be great men in government, have women we didn’t lie to. We would not go to whore house again and go to school and find good, good wives. Pastor said  whoring, bad; deceit, bad; wooing, noble. Last two big words I don't understand, but know bad and good.

Now Biggie`s son Girl brought to show the church, and Pastor commanded everyone one write down Girl`s bank account number, to help a young widow. I liked it because I feared to give her by hand or next she`d say I was the husband. I could take care of Child but not Girl `cause  I don’t like love portion…but love Girl. 

 Now I had to  go work more and more to help. And I worked to also help Biggie`s son. The new helper, after Biggie died, cried over too much work, and my shoulders cried too. But I worked, and when father died, I cried and cried: people dying. The State Government people came to say and do many things. They told me what to do and I told Pastor.

That day, even I was resting, thinking of what to do when came Girl to me. She shone her strong white teeth and talked her new trade. Girl liked tailoring and now had everything she needed. Was I happy? I was. I hoped all would stay like this way until Girl said, “I know what you did.” 

In my mind I really feared. “Plural?” Teacher of my school I had enrolled in had taught The Plural. What me and Biggie did? I was feeling bad and wanted to tell girl I didn’t know that was how Biggie got her.

“Pastor said he promised you non-disclosure but a relentless girl made him break his vow.”

Girl was speaking fast and too much English—must be why the boys hurt her and run. I could hurt her the way she wanted but not run. And I don’t mind big English if I can remember and ask Teacher.  

“When the transaction alert hit me, I had to wobble down on my seat. An amount worth 10 thousand US Dollars! Thank you, Uta, for your generosity. Nuvie, your son, will be forever grateful. Be sure it won't be forgotten”

"My…? It is not mine; it is part of dead Father`s gratuity."

“Thank you. Thank you. Oh…”. 

Girl wept and I held Girl. We stayed like that.

 Then Girl started to go. “ Uta, take my number”

 I was shaking. “Anything, I will tell pastor to tell you.”

Girl turned to walk away, but wheeled like a little girl playing with a barrow, who caught her playmate digging up what she`d like to carry. And my eyes were digging at her backside. Seeing I stood there, Girl smiled and flew away, knowing her love portion already worked. 

By Omnipoten

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