Conventional, Or Alternative Treatment?: 4 Considerations

Each of us, must decide, for ourselves, how to focus his treatment and health - care emphasis. Should we, prioritize a conventional approach, or an alternative one, or, would we be better off, using a wellness mindset? In the United States, unlike most of the rest of the world, we use an emphasis, on allopathy, or chemical/ prescription drugs, treatment, of our symptoms, Many other countries, emphasize, either, an alternative system, or some combination, of what we consider that, to be, with allopathy, known as Wellness Medicine. Should we be treating symptoms, or attempting to strengthen overall resistance, etc? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 things/ areas/ concepts, which should be considered, in order to decide, what might be best, for you.

1. Type of ailment: Are you suffering/ experiencing, acute, chronic, and/ or, potentially, life - threatening/ debilitating ailments or illnesses? This, often, should be a significant factor and consideration, in deciding, your optimal course/ path of action. I remember, a few years ago, an advertisement for a toenail fungus treatment, which stated, potential side effects, which seemed quite extreme for the ailment. Consider, the risk/ reward, and decide, what makes the most sense, for you!

2. Side effects: Nearly every treatment/ medication, has some potential side effects. It is wise to know, and understand these, in advance, and determine, whether your ailment, necessitates risky treatment, or should you proceed, in a conservative, less intrusive way! In addition to side effects, discover, whether there are any interactions, between any particular treatment, and something else, you are presently taking, and/ or doing, for another ailment. Beware, simply because something is considered an alternative and/ or, herbal remedy, does not mean, there are no potential side effects, and/ or, interactions!

3. Contra - indications: Ask about side effects, when you discuss a treatment, and medication, with your trusted health practitioner. For example, certain vitamins, and herbs, may have the impact of thinning your blood, and, so, do, other prescription medications. If you are told to avoid aspirin, it's important to realize, Salicylic Acid, which is a major component of aspirin, is also, plentiful, in White Willow Bark. Pain killers, antibiotics, etc, often, have gastrointestinal side - effects, also.

4. How about a Wellness Program: Does a wellness approach, make sense for you? In many countries, physicians begin, with less invasive treatments, generally considered, to have fewer negative impacts/ side effects, before they prescribe drugs. They also use homeopathy, broadly, which most believe to be, mostly, safe and effective for many ailments. Included in a wellness program, might be treatments, such as acupuncture, music therapy, positive attitude, etc.

Keep your options open, and consider viable options, and alternatives. Are you willing to proceed, with an open - mind, for your personal best interests?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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