Moocing has been the "in" thing since the internet became a great avenue for learning, relearning and unlearning --caused by bad teachings and the like--due to indoctrination by some, miseducation by few and myriad of propaganda for selfish interest.
Today, we're lucky to have another moocer --and camp leader as well-- to share with us his experiences when mooc virus got him enthralled, and now he's hooked with mooc!
Introduce yourself, Bryant.
I'm Bryant Bennet Dialogo Atencia, 30 years old, Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English at Colegio De San Juan De Letran last June 11, 2019.
I'm also an ESL teacher at 51talk for 2 years, teaching different types of English including English for Early Learners, Basic Grammar, English for Travellers & Business purposes for children as young as 6 and as old as 60 years old
I've been also with the BPO industry for 8 years handling several accounts. The last was with Australia's premier telecommunications company, Telstra. I'm a Customer First Champion catering to their immediate needs.
I'm an ultra- marathoner during weekends, running from different roads here in Laguna, Quezon & Batangas for almost 5 years. Reason for being a running enthusiast are the health benefits that it gives to me and the camaraderie of the running community. I've been part of several ultra- marathon events such as Laguna to Rizal, Laguna to Quezon, Rizal to Laguna to Quezon and other events.
How did you get into MOOC? Who introduced you to moocing?
I've been interested to the MOOCing world when my former professor Ms. Glen Cortezano posted the details on FACEBOOK last February. She mentioned that there's a free international certificate from taking up courses that would enhance our skills as an educator so immediately, I messaged her and asked for the details.
What was your first MOOC? What was your impression then?
My 1'st MOOC was English for Media Literacy where I took it as LSPU LB under Ms. Glen's supervision. I was amazed with the course itself and immediately fell in love with it so I gave my 101% in taking up that course, attended the meet-ups even it is on weekends and participated on the outreach program as one of the speakers.
So that's how you got hooked?
After that, I asked Ms. Glen if I can be a leader as well because I felt the calling once again, to share the beauty of education, not just to my co-educators but for those who wanted to enrich their learning mind, and then she immediately said YES, I am capable, so I grabbed that opportunity and started my own MOOC CAMP Sta.Rosa.
How did the mooc virus spread from your camp to the teachers in Sta. Rosa and nearby areas?
I enjoyed giving the succeeding courses to the teachers of Sta. Rosa, both in public & private. We've had interesting meet-ups wherein they shared their experiences and thoughts on the courses. Most of them were enlightened by the outputs that the courses has to offer and said that the MOOC courses ignited the spirit of teaching to them once again.
Wow, good feedback from moocers! It seemed that they enjoyed learning through moocing.
Up until now, I'm pursuing every teacher that I meet as well as my colleagues to take MOOC since it gave a lot to me. I'm a type of person who wants to share the good things that God offers to us.
As camp leader, what are the great things you have been getting?
Thru MOOC Leaders Group, I was able to attend to prestigious events and presentations such as the ResCon 2019 at De La Salle Manila. MOOC enlightened my educator side and it keeps on doing it since it doesn't stop giving learnings to us.
What are qualities one must have in order to become effective and efficient mooc camp leader?
Patience, Sir. Without this, a CAMP wouldn't be a camp. In my experience as an ESL Teacher for 2 years, this is the most important trait to me because if you have this, everything will follow. Most of the teachers will give you excuses where in fact, you've educated them that the MOOC isn't a BIG TASK that was given to them but it is a calling. If I haven't practice this PATIENCE skills before, I wouldn't be able to succeed in my career as an educator.
What challenges have you encountered with moocers?
There was a time sir, on the last course that we've just finished. Most of the teachers gave lots of excuses for the meet-up and task given to them. I still stand as a leader to them and gave them all the time & effort for them to finish the course but when the person doesn't help his/her own self, effort from other people wouldn't work. Thou' we've faced those challenges, I still offer to them the latest MOOC Course because I wanted them to learn what I'm learning, enjoy what I'm enjoying because this is for free and both ends will benefit, them and their learners
Since moocing helped you become more productive and all, what can you do in return, as a token... or what... of gratitude?
MOOC welcomed me with open arms and in return to that, I'll spread it to everyone for them to see the beauty of learning at your own comfort. MOOC for me is a supplement wherein it enhances me as a person, as an educator and as a Filipino citizen. Let's grab the opportunity of having a free course that will help us to be world-class educators that will produce top class learners. "Salamat sa MOOC at nakita ko ang ganda ng edukasyon muli!"
Wow! With that, am sure a lot of teachers and non-teachers around would try massive open online courses, and be blessed as well!
Bryant Bennet D. Atencia, is a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English at Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba. Is pursuing Certificate courses sponsored by the US Department of State. Since 2017, he is affiliated with 51talk English International Limited as Senior Teacher B where he handled teaching English as Secondary Language for Chinese Students from 6 years old to 60 years old. He serves as Massive Online Open Course for Camp Sta.Rosa leader under the Regional English Language Office-Manila. He is an ultra-marathoner enthusiast with passion in teaching from Calamba City, Laguna.
Author is a grade school teacher, moocer and camp leader as well. Been teaching for 24 years and writes articles during his spare time.
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