We call, colds, common colds, because, they occur frequently! There is no such thing, as a cure, for the common cold! The old joke, about this, is, if you take certain medicines, you'll get rid of it in a week, and, if you don't, it will go away, in seven days. While, it's true, these occur, to all of us, some people suffer with these symptoms, far more often, and regularly than others. While, you can't avoid, ever catching one, there are certain ideas, and actions, which many believe, reduce, both, the severity, and frequency of them. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 considerations, which are often helpful. However, it's important to realize, if these symptoms are lingering, you may have something, far more serious, than a cold.
1. Fluids: While, it's wise, to, remain hydrated, for better health, when your body, becomes somewhat debilitated, taking additional fluids, is often, warranted, and smart! Taking water (both, hot, and cold), drinking tea, drinking juices (especially, orange juice), etc, often, reduce the symptoms, and the severity of the discomfort!
2. Vitamins and Supplements: Several vitamins, and supplements, are believed to be helpful, in treating these symptoms, and enhancing overall health, and well - being! Many believe Vitamin C, to be effective, and either use, supplements, eat additional fruits, drink juices, etc. Others have found, certain herbs, such as echinacea, to be helpful. Others use homeopathic remedies, etc. Obviously, if you have used something, and it seems to help, you, try it again. However, it is wise, to discuss, any treatments, with a trusted health professional, as well as, reading as much literature, and research, on the topic, from reputable sources, as you can.
3. Early prevention, and attention: The earlier one addresses any symptoms, the less the effects of the illness. Feed a cold, and starve a fever. Be prepared, knowledgable, and ready, to help yourself!
4. Diet and exercise: The healthier, one keeps himself, the happier, he will become, and be! When one remains fit, and in good physical shape, he generally, experiences fewer health issues! Combining, well - considered, diet and exercise, makes a huge difference, in overall health, and well - being!
5. Comfort: Pay attention to conditions, which might create harm to your health. What temperature, does your body, perform best, at? How does humidity, impact you?
There are many factors, which affect your overall health, and well - being! Will you be your best friend, or worst enemy?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health: http://facebook.com/althealth
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