I know, the title might sound a bit morbid but think about it, today is the last day for over 7500 people who live in the US. Add other countries to the results - and the number is over 150,000. WOW - and one of these today - wasn't you! Over 6500 US citizens are currently turning 65 every day... are you one of them? Well, if you are lucky someday you will be. So, Tim, where are you going with this article? That question after less than 15 seconds of your life is exactly the point I will try and make. So, to save some of your time so you don't have to read the entire article since I'm sure you have better or more important things to browse on your phone or computer... let's assume for a moment you don't have another tomorrow. Yes, you have had all of your yesterdays but today is your last day. Will you spend it on your device browsing Facebook, Twitter, etc.? Will you spend it in front of the TV watching your favorite sports team? Will you spend it working out at your local gym?
Will you spend it at work earning money that you will never get to spend? Stupid questions or assumptions? No - remember I said today is the last one you get here and then it's... Bye Bye.
So, I'll ask you one more time, how will you spend today if you knew it was your last one?
OK, now you can go back to whatever it was you were doing or want to do instead of reading. For everyone else, I would like you to consider a few basic premises. You can agree or disagree with any or all of them - your choice:
One - sooner or later we will be one of the above statistics - we are out of here.
Two - No one knows when, how or where it will end for them.
Three - You will leave here with some regrets and some unfinished business.
Four - It's only a matter of time before you and your life will no longer be at the forefront of other's lives you left behind.
Five - Where you are headed next will be related to how you lived while you were here.
Six - While here you touched some people in a positive way and others in a negative way.
Seven - On your last day you can't fix all the mistakes or failures you made while here.
Eight - You will never know what legacy you left behind you.
I'll let you come up with numbers nine and ten...
Nine -
Ten -
Life is short and fragile and it's unfortunate that far too many of us, and I include myself in this group, wait far too long to fix things, change things, do things, undo things, etc. And for many of us, we will never have that opportunity, so I would like to leave you with three quick thoughts: If you knew ahead of time you were leaving today - 1) what would you try and fix? 2)Who would you spend your time with and 3)
How would you spend your time with them?
Don't wait too long or put too much stuff off till later- none of us knows the when...
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Informations From: Omnipotent