Virgilio Open – Virgilio searches with Google


Virgilio on Internet has found Google: the motor of search of the last generation, true and just explorer of the WWW. Thanks to its innovative functionalities of search, today the customers obtain the attended result still more fastly, and has the possibility to approach all the present information on the Web tied to the arguments of their interest.

Milan, 12 November 1999 – the Search of Virgilio has one march in more. Google is called, is young but as every ‘esploratore’ that you respect yourself already it has made much road on the Web.

Thanks to the agreement siglato with Google, Virgilio puts to disposition of its customers a new motor of accessible search through an Italian, fast, reliable interface in the result, and intelligent in the suggestions.

Recently the review American Fortunes has described Google like the only motor of search that works truly. All that thanks to the PageRank technology, based on the circolarit and referenzialit of the Network. The "value" of a page is given from its "popolarita", that is from how many link it has received from other pages. Every link received it is a ballot, more ballots are had and more the situated one is authoritative and candidate to appear first of the list. Various independent searches have shown as in beyond 70% of the Google cases it gives back exactly like first result of the search what the customer hoped to find.

According to the same principle through Google, Virgilio is in a position to instantaneously finding "the other situated ones like this". Enough clic and a situated Google automatically creates a directory of similar to that chosen one. As an example, trying ‘Jovanotti’ Google it will find like first situated that official and with a clic on "the other situated ones as this" will obtain one list of situated of Italy singers.

In the page of the Help, finally, Virgilio standard to its customers all makes up that the functions and abilities to Google can be used in order to use to the best all.

Information on Google

Google ( are a motor of search created in September 1998 from Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Its name therefore singular drift from "Googol", that it is for the number 1 continuation from 100 zero and perfectly reflects the exterminated archives of information, available on Internet. Mission of Google is to organize all the information available on Internet, accessible and useful rendendole to all.

Information on Virgilio

Virgilio, online from July 1996 today is recognized like the most complete and authoritative instrument realized in Italy in order to approach the new developments, the useful services, the situated best Italians and international the available ones on Internet. Special services, routes and distances on the Network, introduced in the 24 thematic channels, guide of time in time the Italian customers to all how much make audience on Internet.

Virgilio is a product of Matrix S.p.A, society participated from FINWEB, joint-lucks between Seat Pages Gialle and De Agostini.

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