3 Your Learning Style, What are they?

In the present day education is an important thing to support life in the future. In the world of education we inevitably experience such a thing as a learning process that will affect our learning outcomes. In order for our learning process to run optimally, we must know the right and efficient way to understand an information or lesson.

Every child must have their own way of understanding a lesson. The stimulus that the child receives can be captured by the human senses which is then processed by the brain. Did you know that every child has a different level of sensitivity to each sense? Are you easier to understand by looking at pictures? Are you quicker to understand by practice? Or do you prefer to use the listener's senses to understand information?

In the process of understanding a lesson, there are children who tend to quickly and easily absorb a lesson, and there are also those who take a long time with several repetitions so that the child can understand a lesson. This shows that it is necessary to know and realize what kind of learning methods can help us in the learning process.

Before that, did you know?

"a person's learning style is a combination of how he or she perceives, then organizes  and processes information" 

According to Bobby De Porter in his book Quantum Learning a person's learning style is a combination of how he absorbs, organizes and processes information. Some children prefer it when their teachers explain by writing in writing. Some children like it when their teacher delivers or teaches verbally. However, there are also some children who tend to like to form small groups to discuss questions about the lessons discussed. Thus, learning style is our preferred way of carrying out activities of thinking, processing and understanding information or lessons.

Each individual has its own characteristics from birth and is enriched through life experiences. What is certain is that all orng learn through sensory devices, both sight, hearing, and kinesthetic (touch). Every child must have learning strengths or learning styles. By recognizing one's own learning style, it does not necessarily make a child become good at it. But by recognizing learning styles, children can determine how to learn more effectively and know how to make the most of these abilities.


What kind of learning style do you have?

According to De Porter and Make Hernacki, learning styles are divided into 3 types, including:

1. Visual Learning Style

This learning style focuses on the sense of sight. The child with this way of learning tends to the stimulus given through pictures or diagrams. However, usually children will find it difficult to dialogue directly because they are too reactive to sound. The characteristics of children with visual learning are having sensitivity to colors, speaking quickly, not being easily distracted when there is a commotion, remembering what is seen from what is heard, preferring to read rather than being read aloud, and remembering verbal associations.

2. Auditorial Learning Style

This learning style makes more use of the sense of hearing to facilitate the learning process. Children with this way of learning tend to have characteristics that are like to talk to themselves at work, are easily distracted by commotion, prefer to listen and remember what is discussed than seen, like to discuss and explain things at length, and like to listen to music or something pitched. Children with this way of learning tend to be good speakers. So, does the auditory learning style match your way of learning?

3. Kinesthetic Learning Style

Are you a child who can't stand still? Or are you a kid who gets bored quickly when reading? It's possible that this is your learning style. Children with kinesthetic learning always use and utilize their limbs during the learning process or trying to understand something, therefore this learning style is referred to as the driving learning style. This learning style tends to have the characteristics that are always physically oriented and moves a lot, likes to compete with oneself or with others, can not sit still for a long time, tends to have not very good writing, memorizes by walking, and always wants to do everything . So, children with this learning style tend to remember information by doing their own learning activities.

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How to study learning styles in the United States?

According to Dr. Rita Dunn and Dr. Kenneth Dunn (1978), there are only 20-30% of school-age children who are classified as students with auditory learning styles, 40% visual learning styles, and 30-40% are kinesthetic or visual-kinesthetic learning styles.

Price, Dunn, and Sanders (1980) suggest that very young students learn kinesthetic, then low-grade students are more about visual learning styles, and in high-grade students understand lessons through the sense of hearing or auditory. Carbo (1983), researches that good readers tend to like learning through their senses of sight and hearing, whereas less good readers tend to have a strong preference for kinesthetic learning. Then the learner is influenced by: 1. direct environments such as sound, light, temperature, and design, 2. own emotionality such as motivation, flexibility, responsibility and flexibility, 3. sociological needs such as, oneself, partner, close friend or team, and 4. physical needs such as intake, time, and mobility.

They state that not only will the child identify the preferred learning style, but the child will score high on tests, have a better personality and attitude, and be more efficient when they are taught in a way that is easier for them to understand. The purpose of using one's own learning style is to find the best way for students to learn effectively. But when we already know the child's learning style, we should not neglect other learning styles. However, we must pay attention to its shortcomings by providing a stimulus - a stimulus that can compensate for other learning styles. So that children can have several balanced learning styles.

Thus, each child must have different levels of receiving and processing information or lessons. So that there is a difference in the learning style that a child has. That is, when a teacher gives learning by means of lectures in front of the class, and doing the latiahan in this case will benefit the child who has an auditorial learning style. Even though not all children have an auditorial learning style. Therefore, an understanding of a child's learning style is needed to support his or her success.


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