What is in your life that you mostly suck at, might be a few things but for in life what I suck at is life itself. I don't wanna go to school but then I am also not that creative to come up with a good excuse. My father wants me to be like him, intelligent as hell, he can really crush your balls with his scientific arguments and I have a whole different perspective of science. For me science is not just our observations but also the implications that we have to face afterwards and I like the afterward adventures. On the other hand my father believes in the beauty and the spirituality of science ( I have to tolerate these words everyday , so chill).


He wants me to be totally like him but then how will the heterosis work. I think he's really poor in science but just quite lucky.

While thinking of this I am at the holy holy gates to paradise, " government senior secondary school, Sriharikota" my school. Why is it even called school it doesn't deserve to be rhyming with cool it should be called schit or schuk so it will sound familiar to its nature. My father worked in the Sriharikota range of Indian space and research organisation the ISRO. He has been a prominent member in both the chandrayaan and the mangalyaan mission. He was the full spot expert in physics there, but he was .


He left the job six months ago. If financial regression is told on the basis of a story it will be with my story. We are hit hard, but why? Due to his very stupid zeal for a finding that will turn the known physics upside down.

I go back home after the school and see my mother packing bags ( thought of a vaccation didn't even struck me once ) . My parents were seperating , I was handed to my father as a legal custody. He drank really hard that night, the man who used to describe physics in biological terms was now under gruesome intoxication.

I left for school the next day, but before leaving something strange happened he called me upstairs into his room and said " see Robin, I might not be a good father but I was never a bad human being and that's my confession to you.


Don't be like me but try to be better and if you see a horse riding towards you with me on top just know that the bad times are over and we are going on a vaccation.

I had tears but the seventeen year ego was there too, I left for school I came back and before opening the door I decided that I'll talk to him about everything that happened to me in school . I literally roared "Popson" ( that is what he taught me to call him he says it sounds more of an elementary particle rather than a calling for father.) He didn't reply, I rushed towards the hall where I found a CD on the dining table written "see it before knocking my door upstairs ". I opened it and it was my father on TV screen it started.


" I know everything that you must be thinking of me son and I really regret for my schedule and my attitude in the past six months, but the thing was big. I will not be able to tell anybody about it so I decided to gift this invention to you. Now just tolerate your father for a few minutes.

We all know about the cosmic inflation theory even if it's way beyond our imagination that the entire universe is expanding but what we neglect is what we actually live in. I know it's a bit messy but please listen to me patiently.


Imagine yourself seeing an electric pole on the road from your window, how many dimensions can describe it for now. 2 , the x axis and the y axis, if you see it from like really far. But now imagine an ant walking on that pole, he or she or hermaphrodite whatever be their sexual orientation I am open minded son, sorry imagine that ant walking on the pole he is able to enjoy all the dimensions of the pole as the pole is cylindrical but looks like a line to you. That's what I want to say the more you become smaller the more you become compatible to experience an extra dimension. I've found ten extra dimensions of space and one extra dimension of time with the help of twenty natural constants son. This will change the vision by which we see our world.


am working to create a collider same as the hadron collider but small . It would collide two particles in our dimensions at a speed unimaginable and for an interval unrecognizable. If the total energy before collision does not equate with total energy after collision in our dimension then it shows some part of energy is lost in some other invisible dimension, which will prove its existence . And if the mass also doesn't equate it means some of the debris has actually travelled into that dimension, that may open a new door for mankind. But the problem is that I am not able to find out how to bring back the mass and energy out of that dimension, till then its suicidal.


But still fingers crossed

If I've given this video to you don't try to find me upstairs , be a nice human being and take care of your m****"" (cut ).

Not following his orders I ran upstairs but he was not there I came down and cried and called mom "he left me " that's just what I said crying I could really now see the horses he talked about and him riding but in an opposite direction, and in a strange reply she asked me to visit our servants quarter, a small cottage in our campus a bit away from our house for the servants. I entered the room and their I saw a mess, and a 20 ft large tube. With ' my collider babe ' written on it , must be the invention my father was talking about before he left.


And a lot of things but one thing that drew my nerves was a photo of my father with a medium heighted man in lab appron ( very ugly, not the appron but the man ). Must be his accomplice his card was there too. It was just a normal photo not to worry about, but for a normal person , my father had 'scopophobia' , fear of being photographed he never clicked a single photograph with us or anybody, but happily with this man .

I called him on the number in the card and it says Bhupati . He picks up and says " ya jackie wassup, long huh?" I told him that it's not my father but me and what just happened and asked him where I could find him, any addresses or something.


He waited for five minutes and then said " he did it" I asked what???, and he said "he did it on himself" I started shouting "whaaattt??" And then he replied " firstly son , stop saying what!!!!! Like somebody just informed you that your bride was not a female. Secondly ,

he did what was told to you in that video,listen son if you are free sometime drop at the address on my card, its my home it also houses some of your answers, bye" . He dropped the call and then my mom rang she asked me to be ready in five minutes that she'll pick me up. I packed in three minutes and went for the address in the card in the fourth minute.

By Omnipoten

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