The time warp

The time warp

Monday July 9th 2001

“Time is the portal of truth. Nothing in the world exits without an expiry, not even time!

No wonder its vastness, the universe is still limited, limited to the very rate of expanding.

Every human, every being is a time packet of universe determining the very age of it. We marked the beginning of humans from the time they started doing things that had potential to change the world. In the same way we marked the beginning of universe, by marking a certain point in time (the flow of information), known by the name of big bang.

The theory itself is unstable, but at the same time there is no threat at thinking that it is true because there isn’t a second theory that rivals this. Thus the very stand alone concept of us being here is big bang. To change this we have to develop a theory that could be practically proven as well as would deny the very existence of all the concepts of universe discovered till date. My theory suggests that the universe is nothing but us, because...”

“Dozing off again? Or rather gliding in vacuum!” Yelled the professor who had a smirk of sophistication of knowledge, when he started mumbling all about the universe.

“No sir, we are making a theory of relativity for getting out of this exhausting lecture.” said a student with red spiky hair who literally came to sleep in the class.

The spark was extinguished given the disinterest shown by students, who basically came to attend the lectures because they just have to. The very process of disregarding everything was destroyed, five times in a row. The professor was tired of repeatedly being repelled by students.  

With a disheartened sigh he said “You all can leave today.”

As if they were the most obedient of students, they all left the classroom with silence and a smile on their faces.

Putting his heavy head down on the table, he crept into his own tornado of thoughts. Starting from the stupidity he did to take up the task for explaining students, to how he can achieve the new theory that would open up gates of time travel.

He starts seeing glances of weirdness. Neither he nor the one writing this story yet know what did he see and why! Contracting back to their place, the pupils seemed a bit diluted. His sight was stammering (though I don’t know how eye sight stammers) and constantly jiggling between objects trying to focus on things.

He started to remember memories from future. Memories that were sent to the past by the future him...maybe. As abrupt as it sounds, it is abrupt. The way he described time as flow of information, he might just have found a way to reverse the flow of information, with at least memories.

Without wasting a single second, he jumped into the time warp so created.

He was stupid. Not because he thought to jump into such an unrealistic and a dangerous path, but because all he did was jump on the very pitiful wooden block, that sustained the weight of teachers for god knows how many years.

Struggling through his childish behaviour, he somehow managed to hold his horses. Thinking one theory at a time, he got a link to access the memories that he was seeing distinctively, still struggling with the haziness of his eyes (probably should have used that previously).

Communicating his mind and heart to a memory of the future he could synchronize with (a memory that had the same emotions and situations as one of the past memories he had already felt), he experienced the same pain, the same happiness, the same sadness, the same every feeling, thereby standing at the paradox of his own timeline.

This was the warp he was trying to jump into? The memories, were they from future or past? To explain this let me just say, he was getting nostalgic over the incidents he hasn’t even experienced.

Standing at the paradox, he was the only person immortal. By immortal I mean, at any given point in time, weather past or future, he holds each and every information about everyone.

Just imagine this as; there are three different lines or truths- the present, the past and the future. Standing at the paradox means that he is the point where the present the past and the future pass though leading to a unveiling time loop, and every information that is surrounded by him or known to him at any given time will pass through the three way loop infinite number of times.

Waking up from his heading down position, he finds out that the class had left and there stands only one guy in front of him. Sparkles in his eyes, he was interested in the topic he was teaching. He yelled with the irritation of what was happening to him. At one point he knew everything and now suddenly he is blank. “The paradox, the warp, everything is; what’s the paradox I am talking to myself about?”

The student replied “universe is me, I am the whole universe, time is my soul, my soul is the whole time.” squabbling these lines he ran away. The very words he used to say at his schooling.

This triggered him. He now understood, all that happened was a phenomenon where the ends of ever expanding universe had curved to merely touch each other, bending time and linking the past the present and the future. Thus information flowed from one end to another creating an infinite loop for less than a minute.

And the lecture ended. As confused one can be (his realisation did happen but he was unable to absorb in all of these), he signed off the register on the place written  Monday 9th July... 1973

The beginning is the end the end is the beginning. His soul was the time and his body was the universe. He was, is and will be the paradox.

By Omnipoten


Informations From: Omnipotent

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