The Cat, the Wolf, and the Moon

It was going to be a fun night. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go, but her neighbors insisted she go, and it was only a short walk around the block.
“I think I’m ready… ready to be reborn into the world of the living… during the Night of the Dead!” How convenient! she told herself, shaking her head as she sat down to look at her dramatic cat-eye makeup in her vanity mirror. She completed her look with a splash of dark red lipstick and a spritz of her signature Chanel No. 5. “Meow!” she cried, flexing her nails. For months she had felt numb, dead inside, lying there discouraged, trying to find some happiness, but with so many questions, always without conclusion. She felt like a walking zombie... just doing what she had to do, day after day.
Since her husband disappeared, everyone was in shock, especially her... her fairy tale life was falling apart into a million pieces. So much remained unknown. She "thought" they had a wonderful life. He seemed quite happy. They seemed quite happy. She just didn't understand any of it.
She tried to stay busy and not think about it, but the words of the note he left kept echoing in her mind... "It's for the best." To keep you safe. "I am sure of myself and of others. If I want to live, it is for your love. And if I want to die, it is for your love. I will live and die only for you, my love."
"Live and die." She said to herself. "Is that what life is all about?" she laughed, thinking of her nothingness and loneliness without him, the one she thought she had finally found her soulmate in this life... only to disappear into the night. The party was still festive. The neighborhood’s annual adult Halloween party… and things were starting to come together as she walked there, the shady sidewalks now empty, the clock ticking down to 9:00 PM, and the chicks warming their stashes of hidden candy in their beds. .
Red light flashed from the front porch as a strobe light flashed inside. She could see figures dancing and noise could be heard on the front porch.
A very convincing werewolf in a tuxedo, cape, and mask greeted her at the door. "Come in if you dare!" he cheered with a groan, waving his arm and cloak to the side. He gently took her hand, leaned in and kissed it. His heart skipped a beat as she smiled and blinked twice.
"Phantom of the Opera Wolf Style!" she meowed. "I love it!
"Thank you and welcome." he said in a very low, sensual voice, his golden eyes looking straight at her. She couldn't meet his gaze and looked away shyly.
"THANK YOU." She nodded softly and shyly made her way to the exciting house party. She turned to see the wolf still chasing her. She licked her lips. It was disturbing. Her heart was pounding. She started to sweat. The music was loud... all the ghouls and witches were dancing to Monster Mash! Frankenstein, then to the ultimate Halloween tribute, Michael Jackson's Thriller. Her cat costume served her well and gave her the freedom to dance without a care, leaving behind her despair of the past year.
The wine flowed freely. She drank several glasses of a blood-red concoction that calmed her and helped her forget her lost love.
She took some pictures with her witch and vampire friends, becoming the mascot of the black cat.
The witch, better known as her neighbor Diedre, took her arm and spoke loudly in her ear over the music: "I'm glad you came. I'm glad you got out. You've been locked in this house for a long time." Here, have some wine.” He handed her another glass, filled with the bloody mixture.
“Thank you D. It’s a fun evening.” She smiled as she sipped her wine carefully, scanning the room for her elusive wolf. It was delicious and flowed like velvet over her head. She was actually having a good time. She mingled more with the guests, mingling with them and catching up on neighborhood gossip. It was nice to have them talking about something other than her husband's disappearance.
There had also been a recent disappearance of pets... dogs and cats were missing. Coyotes were most likely. Even on its outskirts there were open spaces where wild animals could still call home. "I'm not letting Bitsy go out alone." I can't bear the thought of losing her!" Deidre cried.
"You can't be too careful these days," she confirmed.
More and more people were mingling with each other. The two women liked many of the other costumes... a man dressed as a gift box with a tag on the front that said "From God" and "For the ladies."
"That's a nice outfit!" they laughed. "Another glass of red wine?" the wolf asked, appearing out of nowhere behind her.
"We were just talking about you!" Deidre joked.
"Me? God's gift?"
"Yes, that's right!" ...with the recent disappearance of animals we thought it was a wolf. »
"Ahhh... "Only on a full moon. But I like feeding cats!" he joked, looking her in the eyes and smiling a big smile that showed his very realistic teeth.
- By the way, you make a great cat! he howled.
"And you are a very scary wolf!"
"Don't be afraid," he said, taking her hand and turning it to the sound of a werewolf in London.
He shouted in time with the song. He leaned against her and whispered, "I've been waiting for tonight." His whiskers were twitching. He was in a whirlwind, the room spinning.
Deidre cut him off abruptly. "It's getting late. It's almost midnight."
Coming to himself, he felt the urge to go home. "Yes, I have to go. Before the witching hour!" he shouted as Deidre walked around the wolf.
"Hmm... that was strange," he thought. Deidre had always been a good friend and a good neighbor and his protector, even more so now, but why?
Yes, he had to go home. It was late.
She slipped out of the room unnoticed... or so she thought. Her dark dress made her blend into the shadows and darkness. She quickly left the sidewalk towards the house, feeling very catty.
She thought we were following her. She heard footsteps behind her. He stopped. The footsteps stopped. She turned to find only an awkward silence. A light breeze rustled the leaves under her feet and whispered… "You're welcome. You don't have much time."
The full moon cast shadows that came to life, mocking him. He passed a neighbor's house and his dog began to bark frantically. He was breathing heavily and his muscles were sore and tight. His head hurt. She felt a presence. A breath on her neck. She was afraid to stop to see what was happening behind her, she had to hurry!
Her house was right in front of her. She could see her footsteps, her door, the light of her porch like a beacon in the distance. A few more steps. The fans headed towards her. He quickly hides behind some bushes.
Why was he doing this? Why was he so afraid? What was going on? She began to run, run like she had never run before. Running for her life, she dashed through the cat's den, the cat's den crashed behind her.
She sat on the floor in the living room, panting.
It was quiet. Surprisingly. Just his breathing.
Then, a knock on the door. He could see the menacing figure standing there. The wolf.
The claw cut turned into slashes as the form became human. "It's me, my love. I'm here," she whispered, banging her head helplessly against the door.
She sat there hissing and baring her fantasies.
"I know you don't understand."
The clock struck midnight.
"Until next year, then, my love." See you next All Saints Eve.

By Omnipotent


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