100 cotton batik fabric the best quality
We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton.
Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium (commonly called "trees" or cotton plants), 'bush' plants originating from the tropics and subtropics. Cotton fiber becomes an important material in the textile industry. The fiber can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Textile products of cotton fibers commonly referred to as cotton (yarn or cloth).
Why do we count on 100 percent cotton?. In accordance with our experience, in addition to absorbing sweat is also not hot. So when you wear it so comfortably.
There are many types of 100 percent cotton in Indonesia. Construction of the yarn that distinguishes between types of one another. In addition, there is also seen from the thickness of the threads of cotton fabric.
For stamp technique, we use the construction of yarn 133 x 72, thickness 40 s. This type of cotton has a quality in the middle - middle. It has been export standard and proven to date.
The choice of cotton This is just a habit of us, you can order the fabric as you wish. Batikdlidir serve quickly and appropriately for all your batik fabric business.
For info or order 100 cotton batik fabric can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr Mudzakir.
Batik fabric manufacturers from solo, Indonesia
Batik fabric manufacturers from Indonesia for All around the world. Batikdlidir is a manufacturer of complete batik cloth start, stamp until handprint. We produce it all with human hands ( Handmade ), not machines. What distinguishes between stamp or tulis with handprint is the formation of patterns and the use of the malam. As for the same work that is using human power.
The benefits you get from making batik fabric in our place, among others:
1. The price of cotton fabric is cheaper with the best quality, because we are in the center location of cotton factory. So the price of batik cloth produced is also cheap ( low price ).
2. Motives are more maintained quality, It has been tested with the use of many years of our customers. In addition, you can choose the motif according to your taste.
3. Unique, because you can combine your own motives. Solo society and jogja have become daily struggling in the field of 'Batik'.
4. Easy on payment. For reservations we charge Down payment 50% of total production financing. So as to create a relationship of trust between the two sides.
5. Many choices of batik pattern that we provide with the video, if you do not determine their own motives. There are two types of motifs and colors we provide. So you can specify your own directions that you want to order.
For info or reservations, You can whatsapp to +62 822 6565 2222 Mr. Mudzakir.
Batik sarong wholesale.
Handmade batik fabric in Batikdlidir
Maybe you ask, What is a handmade batik fabric?. Handmade Batik is a batik made by human hands by passing through both time and energy process. For us, handmade is divided into 2 namely cap technique and tulis technique. However, for the solo society in particular consider handmade only refers to the technique canting ('tulis').
We produce original handmade products. When making it with canting, Batikdlidir always say "tulis". Similarly, with the stamp, We will say the stamp ( cap ) technique. This is very important, because appreciating the process is the main goal for us.
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