To the Amazing Future Ellie Rose Lynn...

To the Amazing Future Ellie Rose Lynn...

“Here seems right,” Mom said, pushing her shovel into the soft dirt under the large tree. “I think it was over here.” 

“Sounds good.” I responded, putting down the digging tools in the grass next to the tree. We began digging into the soil, stopping when our shovels clinked against something hard. 

“Just what I thought. Ellie, come see.” Mom has taken the hand trowel and started to uncover the small aluminum box. Once it’s out, she places it on the grass and brushes the dirt back into the small hole in the ground. I pack it down firmly and then turn to see what Mom has retrieved from the earth. Inscribed on the cover in childish writing is simply Jess, 1986. The small heart shaped lock had been clasped onto the box the wrong way, and Mom breaks it off with a quick tug. 

“This is it, Elle. My time capsule from first grade. I hardly remember what’s in here.” Mom smiles and works the top off with some effort as it has corroded and is hard to separate. On the top is a letter. 

Dear Jess Marie Lynn from the future, 

Hi Jess it’s Jess from the past! I’m six years old and love dogs and drawing and coloring and purple. I wonder if you ever will find this cool box! Its under the big tree well I guess you know that cause you found it I wonder how old you are now! Mom and Dad helped me make this box and it has some of my favorite things and more things from 1986 which is the year right now. I love my doll from that one company (salad kids? They are cute dolls) but I didn’t put her in here because I want to keep her. Her name is Ruth Crystal. Isn’t that a super pretty name? I wonder if you have any kids. I know you always wanted a little girl I hope you got one and that you draw with her. Maybe you can do a time box with her too that would be fun! Anyway I hope you like seeing your old stuff I hope yor life is good! 


Past Jess

“Look at all the errors in my writing!” Mom says, still smiling. 

“You were only six, Mom. Cut yourself some slack.” I respond with a laugh, eager to see the contents of the box. Mom takes out the items one by one, explaining each as she passes them to me. 

“Oh, here’s a penny from lunchbox from my favorite cartoon… my magic 8 ball… some drawings…a bell from my first bike...” She continues until ten belongings from her childhood are on the ground next to us. She packs them carefully back into the box and we head inside. 

“Elle, I know you might be too old for this, you are in fifth grade and I was only in first, but do you want to make a time capsule?” Mom asks. 

“I do! I was hoping you’d ask.” I respond. “I already know what to put the stuff in!” I race to my bedroom where I grab the large, circular tin from our Christmas cookies, as well as my paint, brushes, stickers, and sandpaper. Mom is waiting for me at the kitchen table with some where I spread out my supplies. 

“We need to decorate it first,” I say. “We need to sand it because it’s so smooth and the paint wouldn’t stick otherwise.” Mom helps me sand the box down and paint it with gesso. Then we paint my name as well as other doodles in pastel versions of the rainbow colors. The box is finished up with some stickers and a few coats of weatherproof varnish.

“It looks beautiful, Ellie!” Mom tells me. “What will you put inside?”

“I’m not sure yet. Will you come help me look?” 

We both set off for my room, where we get a 2020 penny. I take my favorite book, a squishy, two post cards (one from the amusement park and one from the beach), some pictures, and some old diaries. Mom grabs a scrunchie, my slime (“Who knows what it will look like in future!”) and some small stuffed animals. We also put in a mask. We manage to pack everything into the box, and I had just gotten out my sparkly packing tape to close it when Mom reminds me to write my future self a note. After Mom corrects my grammar and spelling mistakes, this is what it reads:

To the Amazing Future Ellie Rose Lynn, 

Hi! I’m eleven years old and in fifth grade. I love to ride my bike, make slime, go on sleepovers, and paint with watercolors. I hope you find this box and that everything is in good condition. I included many special things in here. After digging up Mom’s time capsule, I was inspired to make my own with stuff from 2020. Mom helped me decorate it and find items to go inside. I hope you are happy, successful, and have some kids. Maybe you are a nurse, a lawyer, or an astronaut! That would be cool! I hope when you dig this up that you do it with Mom and your son or daughter. Then you could help them make a time box, too. And make sure to tell them what the scrunchie is for lol. 



“It’s perfect!” I say. “Can we bury it by the roses? Or maybe by the treehouse?”

“No, because if we dig up the roses we will find it too soon. The treehouse could work. Oh, I’ve got just the place- how about near the big old maple tree out front?” Mom replies. 

“That sounds perfect!” And so we go outside with our shovels and begin to dig a hole that is a bit bigger than the tin. We bury it under the ground and cover it with a thick layer of soil. I can’t wait to find it again someday!

By Omnipoten

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